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Some general techy tips and tricks

Untrack Yourself - basic privacy guide

This post is highly inspired from “The Social Dilemma”

:exclamation: "If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold." — blue_beetle :exclamation:

Search engine — Google alternatives

email service — Gmail alternatives

Google meet/ Zoom/ Teams alternatives

Internet browsers - Chrome alternatives

Cloud service - Drive alternatives

NEVER trust any cloud storage with your sensitive/ massive data. If possible, use external SSD/ pen drive with you to keep your documents and backup manually. If it is really required to access something remotely, you can use following. Remember: “The best cloud and VPN are paid becuase it needs storage space to run.”

Online office - Google Docs/Sheets/Slides alternatives

Google/ Apple maps alternatives

Miscellaneous alternatives

Extra : :thumbsup: Visit Substack and Medium for excellent articles, read this by Edward Snowden for example: Apophenia: How the Internet Transforms the Individual into a Conspiracy of One