Niket Agrawal

निकेत अग्रवाल  -  نکیت اگروال  

Master's in Cognitive Neuroscience

Some static web-pages

Most of them are created for fun and to explore the web-dev process. Some portals like e-Theses really took time and might be useful.

>    Amantrayate - farewell invite

>    CCT eThOS: e-Theses Online Service

>    Growth@CCT: Presentation Registrations

>    Tower of Hanoi (by Nitesh_NCBS)

>    Emotion Lateralization Exp.: Participants

>    self:,,

>    Static web-based CV- HTML/ CSS

Miscellaneous links

Internet is big, fascinating and sometimes dark place. But it is really interesting way to connect with people and read different ideas. Here I'm just listing the links that I found to be interesting over the years.

>    Maker's v/s Manager's schedule   and   Why developers like to code at night?

>    What it takes to stay? Nothing !!!   by Shagufta Khan

Some videos

Some youtube videos, just to have a food for thought.

>    video_#1

>    video_#2

Please ping me if you have something interesting too, I would love to hear on:

Last updated on, Sept-2020 -    Fork this repo on GitHub:
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